As you sit behind closed doors in your office at work, you presume you are in a safe and private setting. However, if you are about to leave your workplace for a position elsewhere, you should be forewarned that your every action may come under scrutiny. As you prepare to move on, you might think about sending information from your work computer to your home computer, but that could be a big mistake, even if the information is purely personal.
If you have a non-compete or confidentiality agreement, it is very possible that your employer would be willing to spend an enormous amount of time and money tracking down every email you sent that may potentially hold company information. Even if you have done nothing wrong, you will still have to defend yourself.
A recent case involves a Pfizer marketing executive who was issued a temporary restraining order in the days after she left her job. In the legal action, Pfizer accused her of having sent 42 emails containing confidential information to her personal email account. They also accused her of copying 600 files to a USB drive before she left, which they say violated an agreement she signed regarding sensitive company information.
The Pennsylvania federal judge who issued the temporary restraining order did so to prevent the former Pfizer employee from potentially disclosing or destroying confidential information and trade secrets.
Pfizer and its former employee settled the case through an agreement that allowed the pharma giant to bring in an independent computer forensic specialist to examine all of the employee’s computers and electronic devices. The agreement also allows the judge to retain jurisdiction for the next three years to oversee any disputes.
If you have questions regarding employment contracts, contact the Philadelphia employment lawyers at The Gold Law Firm P.C. To learn more about how we can protect your rights, complete our online form or call 215-569-1999 to schedule your free confidential consultation. Our office is located in Philadelphia and we serve clients throughout Pennsylvania and South Jersey.