NBC News announced on Wednesday morning that they fired Matt Lauer after sexual misconduct claims were made. A colleague stated in the complaint that the 20-year veteran of the Today show engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace. Although this is the first reported sexual misconduct allegation against Matt Lauer since NBC appointed him anchor of the show in 1997, it may have not been the only incident that occurred during his tenure.
Sexual harassment or misconduct may occur between a supervisor and subordinate or between co-workers of any combination of levels at a business, and it does not discriminate between genders. Victims of workplace sexual harassment may experience mental and emotional distress, and the work environment may become a toxic and uncomfortable place for all employees, including those not directly affected by the abuse. Many factors like harassment frequency and whether one employee or several were the focus of the hostile or offensive behavior are reviewed when a sexual harassment claim is brought forth by a worker.
If you experienced sexual harassment while at work, contact our Philadelphia sexual harassment lawyers at The Gold Law Firm P.C. Let our understanding and seasoned lawyers assist you in filing your claim and delivering favorable results. Contact us online or call 215-569-1999 to schedule a free consultation.