It has been hard not to notice the large number of sexual harassment cases in the news lately. According to a recent article, since Harvey Weinstein was accused of sexual harassment and assault in October 2017, nearly 100 other people in power have faced similar accusations, roughly one every 20 hours. Most of these people work in the arts and entertainment industry, with these other industries following closely behind: politics, media, hospitality, technology, sports, and venture capitalism.
For decades, women may have kept quiet about being assaulted or sexually harassed at work, feeling like there was nothing that they could do about it, or that speaking up might only cause them trouble. After the MeToo campaign and the allegations against Weinstein, many women have been empowered to step forward. Many believe that the much-publicized Anita Hill testimony against Clarence Thomas in October 1991 may have paved the way for this recent spate of allegations. Sexual harassment claims to the Equal Opportunity Employment Office have doubled since Anita Hill testified against Thomas.
Since that time, our culture has changed, and we have come to view sexual harassment as something that should not be tolerated. According to attorney, Gloria Allred, the reason so many women are coming forward now is due to a type of domino effect. The more women that speak out about what they have endured makes other women feel more empowered to speak out against sexual harassment they too have experienced.
Paying the Consequences
Often, we hear about the allegations of sexual harassment when they first surface, but never learn the outcome. Harvey Weinstein has been accused of rape, sexual requests in exchange for industry access, physical assault, and forcible oral sex, among other things. In total, so far 84 women have spoken out against him. He was fired from the board of the Weinstein Co., and resigned from the Directors Guild of America. He is currently under investigation by police departments in Los Angeles, New York, and London.
Actor Kevin Spacey has been accused by 15 individuals of unwanted groping and making lewd comments, among other things. Because of these accusations, he was fired from and edited out of a new film he was set to appear in. Actor Jeffrey Tambor, best known for his roles on Arrested Development and Transparent, has been accused of making lewd comments, groping, intimidation, and propositioning. He has indicated that he would quit his current show because of these allegations, but no final decision has been made to date.
Chester County Sexual Harassment Lawyers at The Gold Law Firm P.C. Advocate for Victims of Sexual Misconduct
Unfortunately, these are just a few of the hundreds of allegations that have been in the news recently. Many are subject to sexual harassment and hostile work environments every day. No one should have to tolerate this kind of behavior. If you have been harassed at work, contact our office to discuss your concerns. Call a Chester County sexual harassment lawyer at The Gold Law Firm P.C. at 215-569-1999 or contact us online for a free consultation.