Chester County Sexual Harassment Lawyers
Advocating for Workers in Pennsylvania
Society has done much to spread awareness of the pervasive problem of sexual harassment in the workplace. Many individuals in the professional world know and can identify harassment when they see it. The culture of change has done a lot to stop sexually harassing behavior, but it has not eliminated it wholly.
Employees who fear mockery or even retaliation will often brush off any inappropriate remarks they may overhear in the workplace. And while simple jokes or teasing may not constitute as sexual harassment, if such behaviors persist—especially after the offender has been notified to stop—then an employee may have a viable claim.
Moreover, no employee should be subject to a hostile work environment. At The Gold Law Firm P.C., our Chester County sexual harassment lawyers know what constitutes a viable claim and can investigate every detail of your case. Our experienced legal team has had past successes in sexual harassment cases that have involved the following factors.
Quid Pro Quo Agreements
Quid pro quo agreements are prohibited in the workplace. Such agreements involve the promise of a raise, promotion, bonus pay, or any other beneficiary action in regards to employment in exchange for sexual favors. Quid pro quo agreements are usually made from an employer to employee but can also come from a coworker who has authority over an employee.
While many quid pro quo agreements call for the exchange of sexual favors, others can use the promise of “dates” in a negotiation. Chester County sexual harassment lawyers remind employees that these agreements are still illegal and can be pursued via an employment claim.
Hostile Work Environments
Individuals dealing with a hostile work environment may find themselves constantly intimidated or even threatened. Sexually charged or disparaging and degrading comments may be made regularly. Physical intimidation such as blocking one’s way or physically touching, groping, or brushing up against someone in a suggestive manner all make for a hostile work environment.
There are many reasons why a hostile work environment may develop. High stress, a changing demographic, or an executive’s indifference towards sexual harassment may cause a workplace to become hostile. The actions practiced in such environments are illegal, regardless of how workers may try to justify them.
How to Identify Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Following are some tips and reminders to identify harassment in the workplace:
- Individuals who are witnesses to sexual harassment can file claims as well.
- Sexual harassment can be both male-to-female and female-to-male, as well as between the same gender.
- The harasser can be an employer, a coworker, a client, or a supervisor in another area.
- Victims of sexual harassment do not have to be retaliated against or terminated in order to have a viable claim.
Chester County Sexual Harassment Lawyers at The Gold Law Firm P.C. Represents Employees in Hostile Work Environments
If you or someone you love is experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace, or has been retaliated against for rejecting an employers’ advances, then you are urged to contact The Gold Law Firm P.C. Our skilled, resolute lawyers will meticulously investigate every aspect of your claim to determine if sexual harassment played a part. From there we will aggressively defend your rights in court, pursuing the maximum compensation allowable under state and federal laws. Contact us online or call our Philadelphia offices at 215-569-1999 to speak with one of our Chester County sexual harassment lawyers.