The star of “The Crown” television show, Claire Foy, received less pay for her portrayal of Queen Elizabeth II than her onscreen husband. Actress Claire Foy who played the role of the queen in her younger years reportedly earned a lower salary than her co-star Matt Smith, who portrayed her husband, Prince Philip, during the first two seasons of the award-winning Netflix program. Although producers were aware of the wage gap between the two actors, going forward the salary discrepancy will be corrected. The correction, however, will affect the new actors of “The Crown” who will take over the roles of the royal couple in the third and fourth seasons of the show, which depict their later years.
Wage discrimination between the sexes has been a hot topic in Hollywood for some time although this type of discrimination may occur in any industry. Since the discovery that actress Jennifer Lawrence received a lower salary for her role in “American Hustle” than her male colleagues, Bradley Cooper and Christian Bale, she and other luminaries in the entertainment industry have been vocal and proactive in changing this discrepancy. According to the Equal Pay Act of 1963, employers must pay men and women the same pay for the same work.
If you or someone you love has been a victim of workplace gender or wage discrimination, contact our Philadelphia wage discrimination lawyers at The Gold Law Firm P.C. Call 215-569-1999 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.