A recent episode of Scandal, a political thriller television series, brought the sexual harassment issue out into the open once again. In this episode, titled “The List,” powerful men in the show’s Washington, D.C. environment were exposed for using their careers and their stature to manipulate interns and other women for sex. In this fictional story, it was discovered that a list had been circulating among Washington’s most powerful men. It listed women who had been pressured into sexual acts with the fear of losing their careers. The list included notes on women who refused to give in to the pressure, who would then be blackballed when they applied for jobs with any of the men involved.
Although sexual harassment is not always as blatant as it is in the story above, it happens in every industry and it can happen to anyone, male or female. A recent study on sexual harassment revealed frightening facts:
- One in three women, ages 18 to 34, has experienced sexual harassment at work
- Eighty-eight percent of all women have been harassed at some time
- Twelve percent were threatened with termination if they did not comply
- Seventeen percent experienced harassment by a superior
- Twenty-seven percent experienced harassment from a colleague
- Seventy-nine percent of victims are women, while 21 percent are men
Sexual harassment can be a traumatic and paralyzing experience. If you have been the victim of sexual harassment, the Philadelphia sexual harassment lawyers at The Gold Law Firm P.C. can help. Please call 215-569-1999 or contact us online for a free confidential consultation. We can offer you guidance toward righting the wrongs and obtaining financial compensation for your suffering. We are centrally located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.