CBS News fired Charlie Rose from his co-host duties on the CBS This Morning show and his role as a 60 Minutes contributor on Tuesday due to sex allegations. Three CBS News employees accused the broadcaster of these claims, and many women who worked with him on his PBS interview show, which has been suspended by the network, alleged sexual misconduct claims against him. Additionally, several women who worked for him at his home alleged inappropriate and unwanted physical contact from Rose. Since 2012, he was employed by CBS News.
When sexual harassment and misconduct occurs in a workplace, it not only adversely affects the victims but all of the employees by creating a hostile and uncomfortable work environment. The victims could experience extreme emotional and mental trauma from the harassment, which could interrupt their job performance, impact their confidence in their abilities, and intervene in their home life.
If you experienced sexual harassment or misconduct at your job, contact our Philadelphia sexual harassment lawyers at The Gold Law Firm P.C.. Our compassionate and skilled lawyers will guide you in resolving the situation and finding a satisfying outcome for you. Contact us online or call 215-569-1999 to schedule a free consultation.