It takes great courage to report sexual harassment on the job. Whether you have been victimized by sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, inappropriate comments or jokes, or any other form of harassment, it can be embarrassing and emotionally debilitating. It is never your fault, and it should always be reported.
Although it is clearly against the law, there are employers, authority figures, or even co-workers who may attempt to retaliate against you after a sexual harassment complaint. If you have reported harassment, or if you have simply assisted with someone else’s sexual harassment investigation, your rights are protected by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
Retaliation for such a claim may include being demoted, fired, harassed, or any other adverse action taken against you for filing your claim. If you are treated inappropriately after filing a claim, your job and your rights are protected under the law. It is not just the complainant who is protected under the law, the law also protects anyone who is associated with the person who complained, such as a spouse.
If you have reported an incidence of sexual harassment in the workplace, you have the right to work in peace without fear of harassment or retaliation. If you have suffered harassment after a complaint, the Philadelphia employment lawyers at The Gold Law Firm P.C. can help you obtain the compensation you deserve. Contact us online or call 215-569-1999 for a free consultation.