On Friday, the former manager of singer Mariah Carey filed a claim in New York City alleging sexual harassment. Former manager Stella Bulochnikov claims Carey sexual harassed her and appeared naked around her multiple times. In 2017, Mariah Carey fired Bulochnikov from her position, and she alleges that Carey broke a three-year contract and violated the US Civil Rights Act and Fair Employment and Housing Act. Representatives for the singer state that the former employee did not have an employment contract with her.
Sexual harassment affects any gender and may occur between colleagues or a subordinate and superior. Actions that may make an employee uncomfortable in the sexual realm whether physical, mental, or emotional fall under the category of sexual harassment. Wrongful termination may originate from accusations of sexual misconduct against an employer or if the advances are not reciprocated.
If you suspect that you are a victim of sexual harassment at work, contact our Philadelphia harassment lawyers at The Gold Law Firm P.C. at 215-569-1999 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We pride ourselves on supporting victims of workplace harassment and will not cease fighting for our clients’ rights.