One of the stars of the popular science-fiction television series, “Stranger Things,” reportedly earns less than her co-stars. Child actor Sadie Sink became a character on the show in the second season among other child actors who started on “Stranger Things” when it began the year before. The show experienced phenomenal success during both seasons, so Sink’s co-stars, notably Millie Bobby Brown, Gaten Matarazzo, and Finn Wolfhard, negotiated larger salaries for the following seasons. Apparently, at this time, her co-stars earn about 10 times the amount that Sadie Sink earns despite her status as one of the principal characters of the program.
Children who work in the entertainment industry or any other field are not immune to wage disparities. Even though employees may fulfill the same roles and same workload, employers may not offer the same salary to colleagues, which is unfair and discriminatory. Co-workers who perform equal work deserve equal pay.
If you believe you are a victim of wage discrimination at your job, contact our Philadelphia wage dispute attorneys at The Gold Law Firm P.C. at 215-569-1999 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We will investigate your claim and ensure a favorable resolution.