Neelima Vanguri, associate of The Gold Law Firm P.C., will be a part of a panel discussion later today entitled Cutting Edge Issues in Sex and Gender Discrimination and Harassment Law. The session will examine the new restrictive laws that have been passed at the state and federal level and the potential ethical issues those have created for firms. The panelists will highlight equal pay, with a particular focus on Philadelphia’s prior pay and pregnancy and breastfeeding accommodations ordinances. They will also examine a few of Philadelphia’s recent ordinances, such as wage theft, fair work week, and the domestic workers bill of rights.
Neelima will lend her expertise to the discussion, which will include several others with knowledge in these matters. The discussion will be moderated by Katayun Jaffari, Chair of Corporate Governance and Securities at Cozen O’Connor, Co-Chair, Women’s Rights Committeeat the Philadelphia Bar Association.
The event is hosted by the Philadelphia Bar Association and will take place later this afternoon between 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 pm. Click here to register and earn CLE credits for the discussion.